Meet Bailey – Evenbreak’s New Ambassador 

Evenbreak has a new ambassador, Gemma Bailey-Smith (preferred name Bailey). Bailey is a disabled, neurodivergent, wheelchair user working in the construction industry.

Photo description: Bailey is white with brown hair tied back wearing a black top, gold earrings, necklace and nose ring.
Photo description: Bailey is white with brown hair tied back wearing a black top, gold earrings, necklace and nose ring.

Bailey’s advocacy and sharing her lived experience in this space has been driven by the lack of disability representation in environmental careers and the barriers she has faced in employment. She has chaired award-winning disability employee resource groups to change workplace policy and is listed in the Disability Power 100. Her work focuses on supporting disabled employees as well as educating and training employers on best practice. 

Bailey states “I can vividly recall going to the careers officer at university as my disability progressed and asked, ‘How will a career in the environmental sector work now I use a wheelchair?’ We searched and reached out for examples, looking for the representation I desperately needed to see at that time, but we couldn’t find it. So, I set a goal to become the representation I needed to see in the industry.” 

“I am thrilled to be an ambassador for Evenbreak who supports matchmaking disabled candidates with meaningful employment. Having this tool when I was job searching would have helped me refine the employers who have greater understanding and awareness for disability in the workplace. It is crucial to me that we empower disabled employees to have equitable employment experiences and provide the support they need for successful careers. Evenbreak shares this mission.” 

Jane Hatton, CEO at Evenbreak: “We are thrilled that Bailey has agreed to be an Ambassador for Evenbreak. She has shown so much grit and determination in joining the construction sector, even with the obvious lack of representation in that sector. She embodies the trailblazing spirit we value at Evenbreak, and is powerfully demonstrating that all sectors should be open to talent from all communities, including disabled people.”

Meet more of Evenbreak’s ambassadors. 

Are you an employer looking to make your workplace more inclusive? Enquire with Evenbreak about training opportunities.

A banner image with the Evenbreak logo and the text 'Training and consultancy with Megan Reed' alongside Meghan's headshot.
A banner image with the Evenbreak logo and the text ‘Training and consultancy with Megan Reed’ alongside Meghan’s headshot.

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